Commerce Citizens Against Marijuana Corruption

Keep the City of Commerce Safe and Prosperous


The commerce citizens spoke loud and clear by overwhelmingly voting NO on all six marijuana ordinances on November 3, 2020. We demand the five city council members and city manager to listen to our commerce citizens and do not allow the massive indoor industrial marijuana cultivation and manufacturing in Commerce.

You will find our campaign for the November 2020 election below. We will continue our fight to stop the marijuana corruption in our city.

Election Result

On November 3rd



On November 3rd, VOTE NO on ballot measures SB, CO, SC, AE, RD & RS.
MARIJUANA LIES! They tell us Marijuana will bring money to our community but when you follow the money trail ... the only people who benefit are  CORRUPT POLITICIANS and MARIJUANA PEDDLERS who do not live in our city.  It is a BAD DEAL FOR RESIDENTS.

El 3 de noviembre, VOTE NO en las medidas SB, CO, SC, AE, RD y RS.
¡MIENTE MARIHUANA! Nos dicen que la marihuana traerá dinero a nuestra comunidad, pero cuando sigues el rastro del dinero ... las únicas personas que se benefician son POLÍTICOS CORRUPTOS y PEDDLERS DE MARIHUANA que no viven en nuestra ciudad. Es un MAL ACUERDO PARA RESIDENTES.


Don’t be fooled! These ballot measures are written to make us believe that our money problems will go away if we choose to allow our city to become one of the largest Marijuana Cities in California. Large tax revenue is a false promise which can never be delivered. The nine-football-field-sized gigantic industrial marijuana production is not a good deal for the residents of Commerce. We will have to deal with criminal activities and environmental destruction: stench from marijuana plants, water supply contamination from pesticides, fire explosion from extracting marijuana oil and more. Do not believe in MARIJUANA LIES. VOTE NO ON BALLOT MEASURES SB, CO, SC, AE, RD, RS and DEFUND CORRUPT POLITICIANS and MARIJUANA PEDDLERS.

¡No se deje engañar! Estas medidas electorales están escritas para hacernos creer que nuestros problemas de dinero desaparecerán si decidimos permitir que nuestra ciudad se convierta en una de las ciudades de marihuana más grandes de California. Los altos ingresos fiscales son una promesa falsa que nunca se puede cumplir. Una gigantesca producción dela industria de la marihuana de el tamaño de Nueve campos de fútbol Americano, no es un buen negocio para los residentes de Commerce. Tendremos que lidiar con un aumento de actividades criminales; destrucción ambiental; un olor hediondo de plantas de marihuana, contaminación del suministro de agua por pesticidas, riesgo de explosión de fuego por la extracción de aceite de marihuana y más. No creas en las MENTIRAS DE LOS DE LA MARIHUANA. “VOTA NO” A LAS MEDIDAS DE LA BOLETA SB, CO, SC, AE, RD, RS y DESFINANCIEMOS A LOS POLÍTICOS CORRUPTOS y VENDEDORES DE MARIHUANA. Mantengamos SEGURA nuestra querida ciudad y protejamos a NUESTROS JÓVENES de los VENDEDORES DE DROGAS.

 Let’s keep our beloved city SAFE and protect OUR YOUTH from DRUG PEDDLERS.

After thousands of dollars from outside investors, multiple lawsuits and legal maneuvering, the proponents of these six marijuana ballot measures continue trying to confuse our residents. Why do they hide behind ballot measures? What don’t they want you to know? Here are the locations of six marijuana businesses in Commerce and what marijuana businesses they will operate.


2SBK, Inc.
6445 Bandini Blvd., Commerce
Marijuana Cultivation / 45,470 Square Feet
Explosive Marijuana THC Oil Extraction
Retail Delivery 

Commerce Concentrates, LLC
2700 Yates Ave., Commerce
Marijuana Cultivation / 49,961 Square Feet
Explosive Marijuana THC Oil Extraction
Distribution & Retail Delivery 


Summit Manufacturing, LLC
3019 Vail Ave., Commerce
Marijuana Cultivation / 31,070 Square Feet
Explosive Marijuana THC Oil Extraction


A&E Investment Group, LLC
4234 E. Pacific Way #B, Commerce
Marijuana Cultivation / 5,332 Square Feet
Explosive Marijuana THC Oil Extraction
Distribution and Retail Delivery


RD Commerce, LLC
6459 Fleet Street, Commerce
Explosive Marijuana THC Oil Extraction / 19,908 Square Feet
Distribution and Retail Delivery


RS Innovations, Inc.
4170 E. Washington Blvd., Commerce
Marijuana Cultivation / 4,490 Square Feet
Explosive Marijuana THC Oil Extraction
Distribution and Retail Delivery

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